Sevensense Robotics Advances to ELA Awards 2023 Finals with Innovative Logistics Automation Project

sevensense robotics

Sevensense Robotics Advances to ELA Awards 2023 Finals with Innovative Logistics Automation Project

    The project “Visual SLAM Localization and Navigation of Mobile Robots in Logistics” by Swiss logistics company Sevensense Robotics has been selected as a finalist in the European Logistics Association (ELA) Awards ceremony. The aim of the project is to accelerate warehouse and logistics automation through the introduction of intelligent mobile robots. Sevensense’s VSLAM technology has the capability to transform manually operated vehicles into smart robots, making it applicable to the majority of warehouses that have not yet implemented automation. This visual SLAM technology will be showcased during the awards ceremony, demonstrating how it can revolutionize the logistics field through the use of automated material handling robots. This advancement in technology further provides the logistics industry with increased flexibility to address current and future challenges.


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    瑞士推出自動化新技術 加快物流轉型自動化的步伐

    瑞士物流公司Sevensense Robotics在歐洲物流協會(ELA)頒獎典禮的決賽中脫穎而出,以其「物流中移動機器人的視覺SLAM定位與導航」項目引起廣泛關注,並被評選為2023年ELA獎六大項目之一。

    該項目旨在通過引入智慧移動機器人加速倉儲和物流自動化,Sevensense的VSLAM技術可將手動操作車輛轉變為智慧機器人,適用於大部分未採用自動化的倉庫。這項Visual SLAM技術優勢將會於這場頒獎禮中展示如何通過自動化物料處理機器人改變物流領域。這技術進一步為物流行業提供了更高靈活性,以應對目前和未來的挑戰。



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