Warehouse System

Designing bespoke rack scheme and warehouse equipment based on the actual operation and site conditions


Maximise warehouse productivity

Utilise vertical space

Different equipment to meet different storage requirements

Sufficient routing space for vehicles

Easy and less costly expansion




We are the One-stop-shop for storage solutions, material handling equipment, warehouse equipment, logistics facilities, engineering, as well as commercial and industrial designs & renovations.

Customised solution that utilises cutting-edge technology, realistic capabilities and high-quality equipment to support clients’ operations while meeting industry standards. Our WMS system can also utilise existing technology and equipment that provide fast turnround solutions.

Kamui Garments On Hanger
Garments on Hanger
Kamui Rfid Tunnel Conveyor
RFID Tunnel + Conveyor
Kamui Warehouse 1
Dimension, Weight, Scale System
Kamui Wms
Warehouse Management System


Food & Beverage Industry (Canning & Bottling)

  • Operation model: Fulfillment


Original warehouse:

  • Storage capacity: 13,000 pallet position
  • Manpower: 12 × forklift
  • Throughput: ~100 pallets/hour


New warehouse:

  • Storage capacity: 25,000 pallet position
  • Manpower: 3 × forklift
  • Throughput: ~180 pallets/hour
Kamui Pallet Shuttle
Kamui Warehouse 2

Fashion & Lifestyle Industry

  • Operation model: Fulfillment, E-Commerce


Original sorting & picking:

  • Manpower: 30 × sorting & picking
  • Storage capacity: 400,000 single


New sorting & picking:

  • Manpower: 22 × sorting & picking
  • Storage capacity: 650,000 single
Kamui Garments On Hanger